ISO 9001:2015 certified
DNA Paternity Testing:

DNA paternity testing is a reliable and powerful method of proving and disproving parentage. The test is based on accurate analysis of the genetic profiles of the mother, child and alleged father. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the unique genetic blueprint within each nucleated cell of a person’s body determines the genetic pattern and individual characteristics. A child inherits half of this DNA pattern from the mother and half from the father. If the mother’s and child’s patterns are known, the father’s can be deduced with virtual certainty.

Our Vision
Our aim is to provide cutting edge diagnosis and treatment in autoimmune disorders, mainly Reproductive failure. We believe in the paradigm that Reproductive failure is an autoimmune disorder. According to us, a good diagnosis is one which has perfect clinical correlation and a good treatment protocol that benefits maximum number of patients.
Our  Mission
India is not only the second most populated country of the world but also has one of the highest number of couples who fail to reproduce. It is our mission to reduce the number of couples experiencing repeated abortions and those who are infertile by offering scientific diagnostic and well tested treatment protocols.
Our Values

The five pillars of our laboratory are:

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